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About Us

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First Edge Travels Limited, an accredited IATA agent and registed travel agency in Nigeria. We are one of the leading agencies both local and international route in Nigeria. Having established excellent and cordial relationship with all airlines, we have earned good repute for detailed flight booking, trip planning, diligence and prompt service delivery.

First Edge Travels has arranged and successfully accomplished several tours to Europe, Asia, Middle-East, Africa and North America. Our team is composed of young, dynamic professionals who yearn to make our company among the best in the business. Despite that we are still well to do with experience as we have more than 5 year experience in the industry.

We bring the best attraction and experience in most destination around the globe to you at the lowest cost.

We leverage on partners discount advantage to secure suitable and affordable accommodation for your vacations around the world.

Wouldn’t you rather travel with us.

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To guarantee on our part an unforgettable travel experience streamlined and tailored to our clients’ individual and unique needs


To strive to be the best in the travel industry with unbeatable prices and convenient services

Why Use Us

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